Sunday, March 13, 2011

Teaching in the 21st Century

I came across a great video this morning that really does a nice job illustrating how teaching should be evolving to meet the needs of 21st Century Learners.  Watching the video reinforced for me the direction that we are taking New Milford High School.

The question now becomes are the pedagogical shifts described above taking hold in classrooms?  If not, which I assume is the overwhelming answer, what has to be done?


  1. This is a great video. It captures the larger concepts we need to target as we think about the process of learning.



  2. Thanks Eric and Rhonda. This is exactly the right clip to start of our second DPLN course this Thursday!

  3. Nice video. My question is how much info should be frontloaded to insure maximum depth in to the subject instead of the rushed "need to know instantly" attitude that many middle schools display?

  4. The flipped class fits in with this really well:

  5. Great find on the video Eric. It is true that the model of what is going on in classrooms needs to be flipped in some way. There is so much information that is out there ... if we can guide students to finding the best information, whether it be created by us or by others, that can allow teachers to freely be able to create experiences in the classroom that apply the knowledge and become more relevant for kids.

  6. Great video, Eric. Just curious; why the #tllp hashtag? @ArmandGagne

  7. Great video! Truly inspires teachers to go beyond power points and LCD projectors.

  8. I have no words other then this "great video"
